Neighborhood and Landlord Mediation

Responsible Landlord Engagement Initiative (RLEI)

What is RLEI?

RLEI works alongside neighborhood leaders, law enforcement, and local government to hold property owners accountable for the upkeep of their properties in order to maintain the well-being of the community.

What can RLEI do?

RLEI can help you approach absentee landlords and convince them to commit to caring about the neighborhood by improving the physical and social conditions at their properties.

RLEI can help look at the issues generated by irresponsible property owners and can help build an action plan to provide support in finding a long-term solution to the issues.

When to call RLEI

When you feel it is time to act because an irresponsible property owner or slum landlord does not want to take action to resolve the issues generated by their property.

Quick Links


  • RLEI acts as a third-party mediator between landlords and concerned neighborhood residents.

  • RLEI generates solutions to the issues that disrupt safe, happy communities.

  • RLEI supports existing neighborhood associations and helps generate new ones through case managing.

Languages Spoken

English, Spanish & Vietnamese.



Phone: (408) 273-7478

Request for Support

If you have an issue with your landlord or property owner, submit a request for support and the RLEI team will reach out to you.



1908 Senter Road, Suite #50,

San Jose, CA 95112